Communication Studies Minor

Contact or visit us

Communication Department
Rachel Pokora, Department Chair
Smith-Curtis 330F
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2391
rpokora [at] (rpokora[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Communication Studies Minor

以下是辅修传播学的必修课程. For an overview of this program, see Communication Studies Degrees.

Core Requirements 12个小时
Communication Studies Minor (19 hours)
COMM 1250 Introduction to Communication Studies 4个小时
COMM 1510 Intercultural Communication 4个小时
COMM 2300 Communication Theory 4个小时
选修课 7个小时

* 2000级的实习只能作为至少5个选修课小时的补充.g., a combination of any of the other electives equaling 5 hours). The class may be repeated.


COMM 1250 Introduction to Communication Studies (4小时)

本课程旨在帮助学生发展在公共场合有效沟通的必要技能, private and professional settings. The course will focus on a broad base of communication theory, 概念, 并为学生提供应用这些技能的机会. Students will explore several modes of communication, including persuasive and invitational speaking, 对话, and interpersonal communication. 学生将探索传播学的基础,并考虑沟通对我们个人生活的重要性, professional, and civic lives.

Normally offered each semester.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
COMM 1510 Intercultural Communication (4小时)

对影响不同文化和/或种族背景的个人和群体之间意义交换的文化差异的研究. 本课程旨在让学生了解文化的独特性,以及由此产生的沟通方式和偏好的变化, 并为跨越文化障碍的成功沟通提供策略和技巧. 本学期学生将至少花20个小时与社区机构合作,为来自不同文化背景的客户提供服务.

(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
COMM 2300 Communication Theory (4小时)

Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
(Normally offered each semester.)

COMM 2360 Experiencing the Culture of Italy (3小时)

本课程将为学生提供与意大利文化的直接接触. Specifically, 学生将学习佛罗伦萨的文化指标,如语言和非语言交流, 食物, transportation, business climate, 政治, religious beliefs, and interpersonal relationships. Students live in Florence, read texts, listen/give presentations, 视图的艺术, attend concerts, experience the culture of Florence through walking, 看, 吃, 在城市中购物和穿行,并反思这些经历.
Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission and sophomore standing.
(Normally offered in odd numbered summers.)

COMM 2400 Communication and Leadership (4小时)

Students will explore components of leadership theory, 技能, and behaviors, 并将检查和实践有效的沟通行为有关的领导过程和角色.

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Power Thread
COMM 2500 Family Communication (3小时)

《十大网络娱乐平台排名》旨在介绍家庭背景下的交际现象. 本课程的总体目标是帮助学生理解如何, through communication, we develop, 维护, 增强, or disturb family relationships. 学生将学习有关塑造家庭生活的沟通模式和实践的理论.

COMM 2550 健康 Communication (3小时)

健康传播是研究和使用传播策略,以告知和影响个人和社区促进健康的决定. 我们将在健康维护和促进的背景下探索广泛的信息和媒体, disease prevention, treatment and advocacy. Through readings, discussion, written assignments, 跟随和采访各种医疗保健专业人员, 您将学习的理论侧重于沟通模式和实践,塑造医疗保健在美国.S. as well as in other cultures.
(Normally offered in the spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
COMM 2600 Mass Media (4小时)

A study of the development of types of media including books, newspapers, 杂志, 广播, television, 和电影. 这些媒体的相互作用及其对社会和个人的影响也包括在内.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Democracy Thread
COMM 2700 Communication and Gender (4小时)

本课程通过交流探讨性别和性别角色的创造和延续. 学生还将考虑性别对沟通的影响问题. 学生将在家庭、学校和媒体等不同背景下审视性别.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread
COMM 2970 Internship (1-8 hours)

二年级/三年级的交流实习为学生提供了丰富的经验, applied-learning experience for a student's major or minor. 这种选修实习可以帮助学生确定她或他未来实习或专业活动的类型和地点. 这也是一个有用的选择,作为一个选修学分,在学生的大四后,COMM 4970实习要求已经完成.  
Pass/Fail only.
(Normally offered each semester and summer.)

COMM 3200 Persuasive Communication (4小时)

在不同的交际语境中研究说服的理论和实践. 学生将被要求将这些概念应用到课堂外的劝说情境中.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Power Thread
COMM 3300 Public Relations (3小时)

公共关系课程是对公共关系本质的研究, the persons involved, its relationship to public opinion, and the channels of communication that are used. 对特定事件或组织的公共关系策略的应用给予特别关注.
(Normally offered each semester.)

COMM 3600 Principles of Advertising (3小时)

这门基础广泛的课程概述了广告的历史和批评, as well as the fundamental aspects of targeting, positioning, media selection, and creative strategy.
(Normally offered each semester.)

COMM 3800 Communication through Dialogue (4小时)

本课程旨在帮助学生培养对对话沟通的理论和实践理解. 学生将发展有效参与和促进变革对话所需的技能. 除了发展对当前对话研究的全面理解, 学生将有机会通过帮助NWU和林肯社区团体通过对话解决僵局来练习他们的促进技能.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Chaos Thread